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Pre-order Today!

I visited the Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon, last week and came upon lovely, peaceful scenes such as this stone garden. With the book coming out soon, and all the attendant activity, it is nice to keep that stillness in mind.


If you were planning to pre-order Holding Fast: A Memoir of Sailing, Love, and Loss on October 12th, order your copy today! Simply click on the link below. 




Holding Fast is a story of leaving everything behind to follow my husband John's dream of sailing away. Many people dream of escape but few actually go. 


My journey took me from the glitzy world of Madison Avenue advertising to riding out Hurricane Mitch, the largest hurricane on record at the time, on a sailboat in Guatemala. I didn't want to go in the first place but ended up on a life-changing odyssey. 


Holding Fast will be released on October 19th! As soon after reading it as you can, please post a review on Amazon! 


In addition, I am sending a signed custom bookmark to the first 100 readers who pre-order on the 12th (today)! All you would need to do is forward the Amazon order confirmation dated 10/12 and send an address to mail it to susan@susan-cole.com. 


It's been a long and winding road to finishing the book and getting it published. I'm so excited that the book is finally almost here, and I'm grateful for the outpouring of support. Thank you! 


As John would say, on we go. 



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