Blue Water Sailing will be featuring excerpts of Holding Fast in the next four issues! The first excerpt is out today in the spring issue.
The first excerpt is about buying Laughing Goat, and getting ready to leave Connecticut. When I met John in our twenties, he had a dream of sailing off someday. We lived aboard old, leaky boats in Long Island Sound for fifteen years before I finally convinced him to live on land. We bought a lovely house in Fairfield, had many close friends and relatives, thriving careers, and a young daughter. I hoped John would want to settle down. I didn't want to leave.
But his dream grew stronger. We searched for a seaworthy sailboat that could take us offshore. John had sailed all his life on Long Island Sound, and we had little experience in the ocean. We were terrified of sailing at night.
We found the perfect boat, sturdy and elegant. What could go wrong?
Check out the excerpt on page 12, along with great pictures, and peruse the rest of the magazine for free here:
Laughing Goat: A Family Adventure