Last week, I moved from New Orleans to the Pacific Northwest. Since college, I have always lived on or near the East Coast. I hadn't counted on the pull of my new grandchild, Max, my daughter Kate's first child.
When Kate was seven, John and I took her from our home in Connecticut to follow John's dream of sailing away–a three-year adventure that I wrote about in Holding Fast. Kate and her husband left New Orleans a year ago, new baby in tow, to follow their own dreams in Washington.
I came to live in New Orleans after John passed away six years ago. When I arrived, I hurt so much that I could barely speak. With the help of a loving, supportive community and a city that lets people be, I healed.
I don't know what's in store on this West Coast adventure, but I love seeing Max and all his antics, and it's beautiful here.
Here's a link to the Holding Fast excerpt running in Blue Water Sailing along with some fabulous pictures from our voyage. Check it out! The excerpt begins on page 12. Laughing Goat: A Family Adventure
Read more about the boat in my memoir Holding Fast which outlines the sailing journey I took with my husband and daughter.