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A Sand and Stone Garden, and Book Events

Sand and Stone Garden, Japanese Gardens, Portland, OR



Do you have a spot to go that brings you peace and serenity? The Japanese Gardens in Portland, Oregon, near my new home, is one of mine. It's hilly with winding paths and green oases everywhere you look, and seating on benches tucked away under trees. My favorite spot is the Sand and Stone Garden. To me, it appears as a bunch of curious animals seeking something from a Buddha. What they seek is not important—it's the act that matters. As I contemplate it, the only sounds are leaves rustling and water gurgling, the air is fresh, I'm surrounded by greenery, and peace descends. 


The fall issue of Blue Water Sailing is out with a new excerpt from Holding Fast about our first offshore passage, which my husband John and I both dreaded. On we go to the Bahamas! There are some great never-before-seen photos, too. The article begins on page 14. 

First Passage: Sailing to the Bahamas


Next week, I will be the featured author on Bookish Road Trip, a wonderful Facebook group of readers and authors focussed on travel. Mark your calendars for October 20th at 1:00pm EST for my Facebook Live interview with the terrific Mary Sheriff. You need to join the group to watch; go now to their Facebook page and ask to join! Bookish Road Trip


Coming up in the next couple of weeks, I will be interviewed on Bookable Space, a podcast with the marvelous Yvonne Battle-Felton, and Bookshop at the End of the Internet with the awesome Stacey Horan. More details to follow.


Hope you can tune in to some of these events!


For anyone interested, there is also a free book giveaway going on this week with Holding Fast and other memoirs available! Check it out! Memoir Giveaway



Have a wonderfully spooky Halloween, and happy reading!


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